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Health Education Program at GGHSS Thondamuthur

A four day Health Education program was conducted in GGHSS Thondamuthur. The school has been adopted by Isha Vidhya under Government School Improvement Program (GSIP). Health Education program was designed to inform, engage and initiate conversations on health.

Age appropriate health concerns, from the perspective of students, were addressed. Modules on components of health, diseases, prevention of diseases, adolescent age related issues etc empowered students with knowledge and busted prevalent myths. They also learnt about ill effects of smoking, drinking, drugs and other unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Middle and senior school students undergo physical and emotional changes which makes them confused about their identity. They are at an age when they are both a child and an adult at the same time. Sessions on adolescent health were conducted to clear up myths, superstitions and address issues experienced by adolescents.

Tools like role, Q&A and discussions were utilized to build self-esteem, learning to say 'no', not giving in to peer pressure, learning the differences between good touch and bad touch etc.
A Life Saved

Success stories like Periyakarasutan's motivate us to reach out to many kids like him. Studying now in 7th Std, Periyakarasutan had trouble learning when he had joined Isha Vidhya. A premature baby, his growth was furthur stunted due to extreme malnutrition.

Good education was his family's only hope of breaking through the poverty cycle bur realistic expectation about his performance had to be set. The parents were counselled but the teachers didn't give up. They customized teaching to suit and maximize his learning ability while building confidence and self-esteem.

Their efforts have paid rich dividend. Now he is performing well in the class and scoring high marks. His handwriting, both in English and Tamil, is glorious as he takes care to write each letter carefully. Nutritious midday meal has reversed malnutrition increasing physical and mental alertness.

Thanks to generous donors, life of kids like Periyakarasutan is enriched. You too can help transform a child's life! To donate online click here .

Bus Sponsored By HDBFS

Buses sponsored by HDB Financial Services were inaugurated in Erode, Cuddalore and Villupuram.

Zonal Managers Sai Akash, Mr. Sri Kumar, Businesshead Mr. Sathya Ramanan, Regional Manager Mr. Vivek Kunnumal and many company executives visited our schools to inaugurate the bus and meet the students.

Hundreds of students will benefit from these buses each year. We thank them for their gift.

Life-cycles of Butterflies

A fundamental observation skill in science is comparing and contrasting. Villupuram School teachers took primary level students through a journey of observing lifecycle of butterflies.

A student had brought butterfly eggs which they enthusiastically observed as it metamorphosed from caterpillars to butterflies. The four stages in life-cycle of butterfly, as they occurred, were explained during morning assembly to include all the students in the activity.

City Marathons

Wipro Chennai Marathon

Isha Vidhya has been selected as the official Charity Partner at Chennai Marathon!

Our enthusiastic participation at Chennai Marathon and the impactful work in the field of rural education has earned us this honour. Our supporters are cranking the registrations numbers, organizing practice runs, inviting experts for running tips and raising funds.

Come, join us!

To register as a runner or to raise funds, drop a mail to [email protected] or call +91 9566099715 and we will get back with further details.

Airtel Delhi Half Marathon

After a year of lull, Delhi is once more enthusiastically gearing up to participate in ADHM. Volunteers are reaching out to supporters to join in the 6km and 21 km race. If you know any one who would like to run for Isha Vidhya, please ask them to contact us at [email protected] or call +91 9347341853. We will soon be starting weekend practice runs in different corners of Delhi-NCR.
© Isha Vidhya 2016
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Kannaperan Mills Road, Udayampalayam,
Coimbatore – 641 028, TN, India
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